BVi Chamber of commerce
Our Team
2020 - 2022 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the policy body of the BVI Chamber of Commerce. Its members represent a cross-section of the business and professional leadership in the community. Members of the Board must be full members of the Association.
- The Board of Directors consists of six (6) officers and ten (10) general directors, the Executive Director (ex-officio) and the Immediate Past Chairman (ex-officio).
- The Officers - Chairman, Treasurer, President of Business, Vice President of Business, President of Hospitality and Vice President of Hospitality – are elected for a term of two years.
- The General Directors are elected for a term of one year.
- The Executive Committee is made up of the Officers, Executive Director (ex-officio) and Immediate Past Chairman (ex-officio).
- There are two (2) committees: Business and Hospitality.
Board Role and Responsibilities
- Responsible for the day to day operations of the Association along with the Executive Director.
- Presides over General Meetings, Board of Directors Meetings, and Executive Committee Meetings.
- Develops annual work program and budget in collaboration with the Executive Director and Treasurer.
- An ex-officio member of all committees.
- Responsible for the financial management of the Association.
- Produces monthly financial reports for Board meetings and annual financial reports for annual general meetings.
- Assists the Executive Director and Chairman in developing an annual budget.
- Performs such other tasks as may be assigned by the Chairman.
The President and Vice President of Business are responsible for chairing the Business Committee which is responsible for:
- Preparing and lobbying the general business advocacy agenda
- Planning and management of the Buy BVI Business Expo.
- Planning and management of the Annual Business Awards Gala.
- Planning and management of the youth entrepreneurship program.
- Any other duties as given by the Board.
The President and Vice President of Hospitality shall be responsible for chairing the Hospitality committee which is responsible for:
- Responsible for lobbying for the hospitality sector.
- Planning and managing BVICoC’s BVI Spring Regatta & Sailing Festival responsibilities.
- Coordination of the Visit BVI magazine with Publishing Team.
- Planning and management of the National Culinary Team and development program.
- Liaise with Caribbean Tourism and Hotel Association (CHTA).
- Any other duties as given by the Board.
- Provide a Chairman’s brief on any outstanding initiatives upon taking up the post.
- Deliver the Chairman’s handbook of work completed and updates on BVICoC business.
- An ex-officio member of all committees
- Perform such other tasks as may be assigned by the Chairman.
- Attend monthly Board meetings and Annual General Meetings. Allowed no more than three (3) absences from Board meetings without apology.
- Support BVICoC programs or events.
- Serve on at least one committee as assigned by the Chairman.
- Perform other duties as requested by the Chairman.

Shaina Smith-Archer

Lavina Liburd
President of Business

Shamora Penn-Maduro
President of Hospitality

James Harris

Louis Potter
Immediate Past Chairman
(Ex Officio)

Vice President of Hospitality

Vice President of Business
General Directors

Shea Alexander
General Director

Kenneth Scarlett
General Director

Kevin Fahie
General Director

Frank Mahoney
General Director

John Klein
General Director

Kedreana Parson
General Director

General Director

General Director

Executive Director

Executive Assistant